Curriculum- our intent
Curriculum Content
At Key Stage 3, all students study:
- Jewish Studies
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Geography
- History
- Modern Languages
- Design and Food Technology
- Art & Design
- Music
- Drama
- PE and Sport
- Citizenship/ Careers and Digital Literacy
- Resilience
In Year 7 students study Resilience and in Year 8 this changes to Music and Drama
At Key Stage 4:
Students study the core subjects of English Language, Literature, Science and Mathematics for GCSE. These students also study Jewish Studies, RHSE and PE though these are not taken as GCSE options.
Students take an additional choice of History or Geography and 3 further GCSE options
Students in KS4 are expected to follow an ambitious curriculum with a range of Ebacc subjects on offer- they are strongly encouraged to take one of the 3 Modern Foreign Languages they will have studies at KS3. Students are expected to have taken a minimum of 9 qualifications at GCSE level in Year 11
Science is taught to enable students to take 3 Science GCSEs; Combined Science is offered in Year 11 if an adjustment is needed
Interventions after school support Year 11 students preparing for examinations
Curriculum Organisation:
Students follow a weekly timetable with 7 lessons each day (6 on a Friday) of a 50 minute duration. A total of 34 lessons each week
A daily reflection/ prayer time in morning forms and a registration after lunch
There is one class per cohort in every year and the class will be split for Jewish Studies, Languages, Design/Food technology, and PE in Years 7 and 8. In addition in Year 9 onwards, students are split for Maths, English and Science.
Students also take part in weekly assemblies and enrichment activities.
Additional subjects such as Further Mathematics, Classical Civilisation, Punjabi, Chinese, Italian and Biblical Hebrew have been offered previously
All students with SEND are entitled to the full mainstream curriculum offer with adaptations made by agreement with students, parents and the SENCO
Literacy and Numeracy interventions are offered as part of the curriculum where this is identified as a need by the SENCO
Our curriculum aspires to meet the demands of learners in the 21st Century; as such we strive to have an engaging, inspirational, motivated set of pupils to meet the demands of our curriculum.