Guiding Principles
Our guiding principles are fundamental to our outcomes and they help guide everyday decisions and CREATE a better organisation:
Community – the campus is at heart of a thriving, Jewish community and growing links and partnerships across Leeds and beyond. Our activities are intended to support local and global citizenship, intercultural education, and education for sustainable development.
Resilience – flourishing in everyday life and cope when things get tough. When an opportunity arises, we seize it and use a growth mindset to overcome challenges.
Empowerment – promoting self confidence and helping all to discover their ability to make good decisions and thus become independent and self-reliant. We aim to challenge, motivate and excite all to become life-long learners.
Aspiration – ensuring we set ourselves high goals and excel when striving for them.
Trust – in supporting all staff and students to achieve at all times and in all that they do. Leadership are trusted in their consistent approach; staff are trusted to deliver and build upon best practice and students are trusted to follow clear expectations and boundaries, meaning that learning is built on trust.
Excellence – we seek to make excellence a habit and seek to do our best through creativity and effort. Everything is done to achieve the highest possible standards, consistently, and relentlessly.